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Welcome to Our Up Your Vibe Tribe

A High Vibrational Community 


Up Your Vibe Tribe Zoom Room 

A Clinic, a Classroom and a Support Group

Mon 11:11am-12:11 pm NY


Suggested Donation by Honor System (no billing)

Daily-$11 (great for a new symptom )

Weekly $44 (handy for our GNM students)

Monthly~$111 (A wise investment as part of your Health Assurance Plan)


Call in: 

  • with a new symptom to assist with quick healings

  • to get help to resolve or downgrade conflicts ASAP

  • to discover and stay on track for your Soul’s Purpose 

  • for community support (celebrate & accountability)

  • gain confidence in your body by listening to real-life stories as Deanna helps daily callers.

  • save time, money and energy.  


Here is the Link to the room

Up Your Vibe Tribe Room

Meeting ID: 908 242 156


Phone      —      passcode

+19292056099,,908242156# US (New York)

+13126266799,,908242156# US (Chicago)

Find your local number: Find your local number here 


Our facebook group



Up Your Vibe Youtube Channel or search my Up Your Vibe Deanna


My Blogs on my website:


What does Up Your Vibe mean?


The most trusted and comprehensive GNM resource:


but it can be very overwhelming for newbe's. So I have organized this for you.
(the password is iamfree)



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