Peaceful & Fun homes
are healthy homes

Training & Experience
I am a self-motivated learner. For the last 30 years, have spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars studying theories of 'natural healing.'
Knowledge is Power ~ let me teach you
Training & Experience:
German New Medicine Seminars 2014 & 2016, including attendance of the International GNM Conferences in Austria and Canada, with Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., author of the LearningGNM.com website
Mentored by Dr. Alvin DeLeon 2014-2017
Basic & Advanced Light Energy Course 2014: North Carolina
Energetix College of BioEnergetic Medicine: Advanced EAV Techniques Clinical Tools & Healing Strategies ~ 5 part sessions totaling 100 hours: The College is an accredited and board certified. 2008 & 2011
Instructor & mentor Dr. Robert Cass, ND with 26 years of experience using EAV equipment
Unlocking the Mysteries of Homeopathy
Distance Learning Accredited Course
How and why homeopathy is a useful and successful method of assisting the body
Use and function of nosodes, sarcodes, isodes, flower remedies and polycrest
Autism workshop
7-hour workshop on causative factors (chemical, vaccinations, genetic, nutritional, emotional…) natural healing strategies specific to healing touch, detoxifiers, nutritional…etc
Over 30 hours of online webinar training, some topics include:
pH Modulated Cloaked and Chronic Infections, Dr. Ricardo Boye, ND, CNC
The Forgotten Spleen: Essential for Optimal Metabolic/Immune Function, Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald, DiHom, LAc
Your Mouth: The Gateway to Health, Dr. Michael Margolis, DDS
Thyroid Functions and Disorders, Dr. Paula Rochelle, RN, ND
Asthma and Other Atopic Childhood Diseases, Millicent Holliday, RN, ND
Unraveling ADD/ADHD and Childhood Diseases, Millicent Holliday, RN, ND
Gut Associated Immune Response/Autoimmune Response, Dr. Paula Rochelle, RN, ND
Vitamin D3/K, Dr. Robert Cass, ND
Awards, Certificates and Degrees
Tupper Lake Chamber of Commerce New Business of the Year 2009
Earned Certified Teaching Assistant Certification 2008
Kiwanian of the Year 2006
Received Governor Pataki’s Domestic Violence Courage Award for Advocacy 2004
Domestic Violence Employee of the Year 2002
North Country Community College Liberal Arts Degree Graduated with honors on Deans list each semester 1999