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"When you have Financial Freedom

you will find and activate your Soul's Purpose"

Deanna, Visionary & Creator of UpYourVibe.Us

~ A short introduction from one of the visionaries
 I’m so excited! I’ve always known that money is meant to be effortless, yet couldn’t free myself from the struggle of the old 3-D ‘work for money’ system. Vitae is the 5-D answer that offers financial freedom to ALL, while simultaneously allowing us to build a New Earth Community of Free and Empowered humans. Prosperity for All! Come play with us! Let's create the New Earth ... together!
Lisa Warner-Lake Placid,NY

It's a movement:"prosperity for all"

Invest 50 minutes to watch the overview and take notes and write down questions:
You won't get it all the first time watching, but just get the concept, get the vision, get the feel of this Humanitarian Project!"
What's Crypto?
TO UNDERSTAND HOW THIS  "Blockchain" system works (18 minutes)
Benefits for humanity are: 
1. Protecting rights
2. Fair compensation
3. Ending the remittance "rip-off"
4. Enabling citizens to own and monetize their data & protect their privacy
5. Ensuring compensation for the creators of value
Vitae In a nutshell:
A new Social Media Platform built for the people to prosper
Using Vitae Crypto coin as it's only currency!
A way to make residual monthly income!
A way to give back to society in your unique way!
Join our Vision call with our team~Saturdays at 3pm EST
Understand the streams of income & back office~Tuesdays at 1:30pm EST
You see the vision of this company  to give back the power to the people?
You have decided that you want to be a part of the moment?
Get back to the person who referred you to this link or come to one of our calls...our team will provide you the next steps to make your life a better one! 
If  you just stumbled onto Up Your Vibe website...

What is your passion & purpose?

take 18 minutes! 

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