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UPDATE: 3/11/2020: It is not too late to join us. The videos I have created are on Youtube Up Your Vibe channel and are creating more so you can get 'caught up.' There is no order to these calls!

CORONA UPDATE 3/21 2020 !!! Because some of us are STOPPED in our tracks, we will have more of a community call. Sharing our needs and being a support to one another during this very interesting time. 


 Good Day My Friend, 


First off…thank you for taking your precious time to read this through to the very end where I share my intention and hope you add to it with your beautiful energy and love! 


On December 28, I had a big idea to come to me: “111 Days to Up Your Vibe.” 


The goal of these calls is to share with you tools to raise your own vibration which will spread out to family, friends and your community and our Universe. 

My Mission here is to Empower Your Soul’s Journey!


Every day, we will have an 11-minute “Zoom” meeting or you can use a phone line to call in at 11:11 am EST.  Each call will be recorded, so if you miss a live call you can listen to the recording at a time more fitting to your schedule.


This will lead us into the Spring … April 30.


Consistent Support Helps Break Negative Patterns


When we meet daily our personal vibration will rise. Through the day, life throws us challenges and with our daily connection in place, we will not be able to stay ‘down’ for long. This consistency allows us to break reactionary patterns while learning strategies for handling what life throws at us.


The following is the list of topics we have already discussed throughout the program (not necessarily in this order):

We have covered these topics with this update on March 21:

Day 1 ~ Manifestation

Day 2 ~ Vibration

Day 3 ~Stay above the line

Day 4 ~ Water

Day 5 ~ Fun with Food

Day 6 ~ Healthy ~ a new definition Youtube video created...pending

Day 7 ~ Sleep

Day 8 ~ Not enough sleep YouTube video created...pending link here

Day 9 ~ Too much sleep; Created video on Youtube...pending link here

Day 10 ~ Violet flame Natalie

Day 11 ~Importance of  Pack

Day 12 ~ Creating Joy

Day 13 ~ Kundalini Yoga

Day 14 ~ New Moon, Helene

Day 15 ~ Crystals, Helene

Day 16 ~ I Am Meditation ~Deanna style

Day 17 ~ I Am meditation follow up

Day 18 ~ German New Medicine

Day 19 ~ Rashes

Day 20 ~ Zits & Boils

Day 21 ~ ABC’s of Healing

Day 22 ~ Power of Compliments

Day 23 ~ Meditation Feb 2

Day 24 ~ Q & A compliments

Day 25 ~ S.A.D.

Day 26  ~ Sun & Bone Health

Day 27 ~ Bone health

Day 28 ~ Getting the most out of Yoga

Day 29 ~ FEAR

Day 30 ~ Meditation Feb 9

Day 31 ~ Digestive issues

Day 32  ~ Dr, Hamer’s Bio 1st Biological Law

Day 33 ~ Residual Income

Day 34 ~ Law of Two Phases

Day 35 ~ LOVE

Day 36 ~ Dr. Hamers Love Poem

Day 37 ~ Self Love meditation

Day 38 ~ Digestive issues

Day 39 ~ High Vibe Beverages (HELENE)

Day 40 ~ Kathy—Stories

Day 41 ~Nutritionally Dense food, CATHY H

Day 42 ~ Colonoscopy

Day 43 ~ Corona Virus


Day 45 ~ Cold and Flu

Day 46 ~ Downgrading Conflicts

Day 47 ~ Creative Exercise

Day 48 ~ Wild Center Field Trip

Day 49 ~ Favorite books Natalie

Day 50 ~ 528 HZ ~ The Love VIbration


Day 52 ~ GNM Practitioner  ~ A session w Mom

Day 53 ~ A Course In Miracles

Day 54 ~ Morning Ritual

Day 55 ~ Emotional Freedom Technique (Natalie)

Day 56 ~ Digestive issues

Day 57 ~ Prevention of Disease


Day 59 ~ Q & A Corona

Day 60 ~ I Am Safe

Day 61 ~ YHWH- My visitors~an interesting story

Day 62 ~ Overcoming Fear of Death

Day 63 ~ Toilet paper and swollen gums

Day 64 ~ Centenarians


Day 66 ~ Live GNM Call~Late Night Poos! 

Day 67 ~ Fear--shedding light with love and support

Day 68 ~ If/then tool to release fear 

Day 69 ~ Downgrading Conflicts 

Day 70 ~ Surround the Fearful with Love

Day 71 ~ Energy Management 


Our calls are fun, silly, unpredictable (in a good way) but ultimately for the purpose of empowering YOU. I am not the professional and Master in all these topics, I am just sharing tools for you to further investigate if you are so inclined.


After  11 minutes, I open up the lines for Q & A or sharing an experience or wisdom. Many of the discussions are about health and I always offer my German New Medicine (GNM) perspective.  If you have not heard about GNM, it basically is the science of healing. There is a natural process of healing (a.k.a. “disease.”). I discovered GNM when my former partner was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and it changed my life dramatically. Now I do consultations (in person and online) for a variety of illnesses and LOVE WHAT I DO! 


This is for GIRLS ONLY!!! 


Updated GOAL: 3/21/20 (Post Corona)~ Create a supportive community to prevent fear of the "Virus."


One of my Personal Goals for 2020 is to create A House of Healing! I have been envisioning for years, a place where I can have workshops, invite people to come and stay for a day, a few days or a long weekend. I want to create an open environment to discuss various topics around improving health & understanding the disease process such as childhood diseases & breast cancer. My goal is to prevent needless fear and panic.


My spirit is happiest when I am caring for, teaching and empowering women and children. Please help me manifest a New York State-based House of Healing; a very comfortable, bright home, near the water and mountains with the ability to see a beautiful sunrise and sunset nearby so I can share with others!


Since I started in holistic health, nearly 15 years ago, I have always wanted to work with the “Box on the Wall” concept.

I read that a Doctor did this years ago, where people pay what they can in whatever they can: money, food, art or talent. I truly believe everyone should be able to afford to be healthy and would never want to refuse anyone who came to me.  


So my thought for this 111 Day, UpYourVibe Program, is a $111 contribution.  Pay now, pay in the middle, or at the end, on your birthday, whenever or whatever you can. Or just accept this gift from me to listen and learn so you can go out and be the best version of yourself you can be. This contribution, if you decide, will go toward the home that will serve our family and friends and spread throughout our world.


If you want to learn:

  • ï‚· How to be healthier in Mind, Body, Spirit

  • ï‚· Ways to Love more

  • ï‚· Ways to Remove Fear

  • ï‚· Ways to deal with challenging situations

  • ï‚· How to find your purpose in Life


I invite you to join our Tribe as I share my 30 years of knowledge, love, and talents during this

111 Days to Up Your Vibe!

Empowering Your Souls Journey





 Up Your Vibe Tribe
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Welcome to upyourvibe111 :)

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