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If you are searching for answers for your symptoms,

whether it is a new diagnosis or a something chronic,

take a deep breath! Your search is over.

With my simple and fun strategy sessions we will put the puzzle pieces together

    so you can understand what is happening with your body and why.


"I wish I had found you sooner"

(The most common comment from my clients after our 1st session)

You are perfectly perfect for what you have been through. 

And don't let anyone tell you any different! Deanna


A Warm Hello..


Hi, I’m Deanna, and I’m here to guide you back to health by helping you understand and trust your body’s natural ability to heal.

One thing I want you to learn right now and always remember from this moment forward...

Your Body is Always Self-Healing! 


Every symptom has a purpose—it’s never trying to harm you or doing anything wrong. It’s all about adaptation! When we understand what our body is trying to achieve, we can begin working with it in a whole new way. Together, we can assist your body in doing what it’s designed to do: adapt to life’s unexpected events, keep you alive, and make you stronger.

It's a new course in biology.

And the medical and holistic models have been simply misunderstanding the dis ease process!

Take my friend Alicia, for example. She had dental surgery and was struggling with jaw mobility and had a pain level of 7. 

I reminded her that pain is a necessary part of healing, and then invited her to Casa Up Your Vibe for a little tender loving care. After just 90 minutes of few simple customized therapies, her pain level moved down to a 2, and her mobility improved so much that she got into her car with her vibrant, big smile back on her beautiful face.

What did we do? 

She was healing and we helped her body maximize its natural healing potential!


I can help you do the same.

Whether you are dealing with a chronic symptom or a new diagnosis or perhaps your child is dealing with frequent asthma attacks or other childhood dis-ease,  I offer you a shortcut back to balance.

What makes me different?

The foundation of my knowledge is in German New Medicine (GNM), aka Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHk)—an incredible discovery by a German doctor, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, who, after being diagnosed with testicular cancer, accidentally uncovered something miraculous. He found that unexpected events/shocks were directly linked to physical symptoms in the body. This revolutionary discovery revealed that our bodies aren’t broken; they’re simply responding to unexpected shocks in a perfect way!—adapting through the event, ultimately making us stronger on all levels: Psyche, Brain, and Body.

Had i known GHk,  in 2012, when my partner had a swollen spot on his neck we would have saved about $30,000 in uncovered medical bills and lots of family stress. If only we had known that the swelling was a healing event of something my partner felt powerless over, and all we had to do was wait it out and it would have gone down in a few weeks...? Well, that is how i was introduced to GHk, so I am thank ful.

Added to the GHk, I have a slew of 'self-healing tools" and techniques n my tool kit, that I will be able to share with you. 


When we work together I will help you

1.   Remove fear and have more fun

2.  Feel supported 

3.  Save time

4.  Prevent more stress of shocking symptoms or more diagnosis

5. Fast track you back to vibrant health.

at a fraction of the cost of any medical/holistic approach.

If this seems right and you are ready to explore the root of what is going on and make plan to get back to living your life, then schedule your 

90 Minute Guided Pathway Strategy Session


If you need more information:

Read my story...

Read some testimonies...

Watch this 20 minute overview on GNM

​This is your Journey... but now, you don't have to do it alone.    


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